Chapter 53
In this chapter Pi states that he slept all morning but was aroused by anxiety. He awoke to the reality of Richard Parker; that there was a tiger with him. He tried to jump over board but he couldn't because land could be thousands of miles away and also he different dangers the sea like sharks. At that moment Pi started to give up but then he didn't give up and then started working hard on the raft to improve it. First he created a smaller sitting raft that was attached to the life boat. this was to get away from Richard Parker. Right-before Pi left on his raft Richard Parker ate the hyena. After that had happened a rat appeared and ran around the bottom deck and then on Pi head. Pi then took the rat , threw it and ran to his raft. As soon as it started to rain Pi got off his raft and back into the life boat, grabbed a rain catcher and a 50 liter bag and put it upstairs. Then Pi ran onto his raft and floated all night.