Chapter 100

In this chapter Mr. Okamoto sends Pi the report that to Mr.Okamoto was difficult and very memorable. He also remembered Pi as " very thin, very tough, and very bright". In his report Mr.Okamto stated that Pi had a astounding story of courage and endurance in the face of extraordinarily difficult and tragic circumstances.


Chapter 99

In this chapter the Japanese men do not believe Pi's story. in the beginning they do not believe that bananas float until they try it in there sink. Secondly, they did not be live that PI survived with a wild tiger on board. Thirdly, they didn't believe in the french man until Pi said that he might have been the chef on the boat before he was eaten alive by Richard. The 2 Japanese men then said that they really like Pi's story. Pi then asked them if they want a flat story with no animals and they said yes.
When Mr. Okamoto tries to discuss the sinking of the ship, Pi has none of it and they continue to argue over the truth of Pi’s story. Finally, Pi angrily starts a story designed so as not to “surprise you. He tells them a second story without animals in which a French Cook, a sailor with a broken leg and Pi’s mother are with him on the lifeboat. The cook cuts off the sailor’s leg and when he dies, eats him, greatly scaring Pi and his mother. A while later Pi’s mother and the cook argue and the cook kills Pi’s mother, throwing her head to Pi. Afterwards, Pi kills the cook and finally, alone, he turns to God. Mr. Okamoto points out the parallels in the stories two don’t know what to believe. They continue to press for details about the actual sinking of the ship and continue to annoy Pi who has only bad things to say about the crew of the ship. With neither story offering a different outcome, Pi requests that they choose which story they like best. The two men enjoy the first story, to which Pi offers thanks and begins to cry. The two men finally thank Pi and leave, commenting that they’ll hide from Richard Parker. Pi comments “He’s hiding somewhere you’ll never find him.”

Chapter 98

After asking for a break and giving Pi another cookie, the Japanese men discuss how they think Pi is crazy. They also note how Pi is hoarding cookies, offering him yet another and leaving the room temporarily.

Chapter 97

In this chapter Pi tells the Japanese men his story only stating in the entire chapter
"the story".

Chapter 96

In this chapter Pi meets the Japanese men, introducing themselves as interviewers on behalf of Japan, trying to learn about the sinking of the Tsimtsum. They tell him they had a good trip in between discussing between themselves in Japanese. They hand Pi a cookie and then start an interview.

Part Three: Chapter 95

In this chapter The author finally returns, discussing the arrival of Mr. Okamoto and Mr. Chiba to Tomatlan. At first arriving in Tomatan, the wrong city, they travel over 1500 KM a ferry boat and broken car to reach Tomatlan, their actual destination. After 41hours of unpleasantness, they arrive at the Benito Juarez infirmary and interview Pi for hours, recording everything. In the end they give a copy of the entire tape and a copy of the report to the author.

Chapter 94

In this chapter Pi and Richard finally reach Mexico and when 6 or 7 poor people find him they bathe him and feed him and then take him to the hospital to nurture him.

Chapter 93

In this chapter Pi states that the rest of his story is nothing but grief , ache and endurance.

Chapter 92

In this chapter Pi and Richard arrive on an island made entirely of plant mass. There is only green, which Pi finds soothing as his favorite color but Pi thinks it to be an illusion until he steps on it and smells the plants. He falls to the ground and decides to taste the algae, it has a sugary coating and salty coating inside. Richard Parker also leaves the boat, Pi if afraid of the tiger claiming the island as his own, Pi returns to the boat after eating and resting.The next day, the two return to the island and eat again. After Pi returns to the boat, Richard Parker comes charging at him. He tries to stop him with the whistle, but the discomfort of the tiger forces him into the water where he swims toward the boat instead. Pi attempts walking for the first time again and they are feeling much healthier. After another day, Pi decides to explore the island a bit, seeing all kinds of ponds, trees and thousands of tiny meerkats. The meerkats are huddled around a pond snagging fish from below and Pi soon joins them by soaking the fresh water of the pond. After a few more days, Pi cleans out the lifeboat and explores the island more. He decides it must about 7 miles long and 20 miles around. As time passes, the two regain much of their health and strength. With the tiger regaining so much strength, Pi decides to resume training to keep him safe. He teaches the tiger how to jump through hoops, In the morning all of the furry little creatures crawl off of him and head for the ponds. He eventually brings supplies and continues sleeping in the trees, enjoying the meerkats’ company. One night, he notices a dead fish in the pond that causes the meerkats to yell. In the morning the dead fish is gone. Pi finds that the island may be carnivorous with a tree that holds a human tooth. He tests this by dropping a meerkat onto the algae at night and watching it scurry back up the tree. He decides that the island emits some kind of acid at night to digest whatever is still on it. It’s time to leave the island. When he leaves, he brings a plentiful supply of water, meerkats, and fish as well as some of the algae (though it dissolves at night in the acid). He waits for Richard Parker and when the tiger returns sets back out to wander the sea in his boat.

Chapter 91

In this chapter Pi says that he climbed on this brothers boat and eas and drinks everything on it. then after 2 days Pi's sight comes back and he sees his brothers tourso and his broken ribs every where. Pi prays for his soul everyday.

Chaper 90

In this chapter Pi explains how Richard Parker became blind and how Pi examined Richard Parker up close without Richard feeling anything. Also PI explained how he went blind and that the day he went blind his extreme suffering began. As the days went on Pi Heard some one constantly say " Is someone there?" It was a person that kept talking about food until pi fell asleep. When Pi woke up he hear another man who was blind like Pi and Richard Parker. Pi also finds out that the blind man had killed a man and a woman. Later on Pi and the blind man tried to trade a boot( they tried to trade it to eat it). After a while it turned out that the blind man was his brother. As soon as Pi's brother steped on the boat Richard attacked Pi's brother and ate him. Pi never got to see his brother and was now alone again.